Saturday, November 14, 2009

Much to think about

Good saturday morning,
Every morning before I start my day, I spend time talking with GOD.. In Psalm 118:24 This is the day that the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it.
Thers is so much to be thankful for, even though things seem to be spinning out of control, I know that GOD is in full control.  I know you may be saying, "Then why doen't He do something." Well He allows things to happen but He does not cause them.

There are two forces in this world and you must choosse which one you will serve 1)GOD is good and 2) Satan is evil. You may not understand what I am saying, so I think you should read the Bible and see what it says about the two forces. Don't be afraid to read the Bible and see for your self what it says. If you can spend the time to read other things: books, magazines and news papers then the Bible can should be added to the pile.  And be enlightened to what is going on and what will be taking place very soon. THINK ABOUT IT!

Well, have you been thinking about our freedoms that are being taken away from us slowly??
I know you might be saying, "Yeah yeah, blah, blah" and not believe what I am saying.  But just think about it!!

My mother use to say,"Just keep on living and you will see." Well I pray that while we're busy living it will not be too late. But sadly many people who do not believe or think that things are not that bad will be sadly enlightened about the things that are coming upon us, because we are asleep to the things that are happening around us and we are not doing anything about it. The Bible is coming to pass. Don't let it be too late for you.

I would like for you to think about thess things:
Why are people so set on taking the phrase In God we trust off of our money and other things? Our country was founded on GOD.
Why do people want to put people in jail because they want to pray and talk about JESUS?
Why is it alright to talk about other religions but they want to silence Christians?
Why are we letting them do that to us Christians?
Why are we letting them take Christ out of Christmas? Think about that!!
Why are we letting our freedoms be taken away slowly? It is like we are being hypnotized.
Seek information about our fore fathers how America was founded.
Think about when Americans let prayer be taken out of our schools WHAT HAPPENED? People want to blame God for that. Satan was the cause of that.

It is my presumption that many more desasters that will happen because people have left God out of their lives.

Think about that.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Things to think about

Today as I sit and think of days that have come and gone, and days to come, there are things that I'm pondering.

There have been good times, bad times, mediocre times, unsure times, what's next? times, waiting times, joyous times, sad times, fellowship times, solitary times, lonely times, exciting times, precious times, projection times, unexpected times, relaxing times, pondering times, family times, "just me" times, you and I times, and quiet times.

There are probably many more times that you can think about; I just about what crossed my mind. The one thing I can truly say is that I cherish "my time" I spend alone with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the Anointed One and His Anointing.

Think about what are the times you think about?

Be Blessed

Monday, September 21, 2009

In good times and bad

God is called by many names. He is the Lord our Healer, our Provider, our Banner and our Righteousness. He also promised to be our Deliverer. In this troubled world, that may well be what we need Him to be most often. But there are many believers who never wxperience God's mighty delivering power, because instead of walking closely with Him day by day, they wait until danger strikes and then they call on Him. That just doesn't work. If you want God to rescue you in the bad times, you must fellowship with Him in the good times. Why? Because God respons to faith in Him at all times. Our faith, not our need, is what causes Him to act on our behalf. We will never be able to develop that kind of faith, and trust and confidence in Him if we do not spend time with Him in prayer and reading His Word. Reading His Word the Bible and praying  that is how you get to know Him.
In First John 3:20-22 it tells us that we will have confidence toward God when we do the the things that are pleasing in His sight. If we only serve God half heartedly, then we will not have confidence in Him to believe in Him to deliver us from trouble. When danger surrounds us, instead of being filled with faith, we will find ourselves paralyzed with fear. Get to know God through His word so you can call on Him in your time of need. God cares for you and He loves you. If you have tried everything else and it has failed you, I ask you to try Jesus God's Son. Read the Bible and see just what Jesus can and will do for you if you only believe.

God Bless untill next time.

Monday, August 24, 2009

I'm a brand new senior blogger with a young spirit!

My daughter has so much fun blogging that she got me interested and involved.

First allow me to explain the title Bun Bun. My nickname is Bunny, given to me by my mother over 70 years ago when I was a baby. One winter mom bought me a snow suit shapped like a rabbit. While playing in the snow my nose and cheeks turned bright red, so my mother started calling me Bunny. For years no one knew my name was Yvonne. I was always called Bunny. My sibligs, ex husband, church parishoners, neices, nephews and friends all call me Bunny: Miss Bunny, Aunt Bunny, etc.

Back in the 1970's my dear friend Aida Perez had a son named Matthew. When Matthew was two years old he couldn't pronounce Bunny so he started calling me Bun Bun and it has always stayed with me. Today youngest my daughter calls me Bun Bun. She prfers it as a term of endearment.
Unfortunately Matthew has passed on to be with God and so has my mother. So in memory of both these people who have touched my life by giving me such wonderfully dear nick names, I'm dedicating my blog to them.
I love you Rose Mae Williams Wooden my dear, sweet mother and Matthew Soriano my handsome "nephew"! You'll always be in my heart, and my thoughts. Thank you both for giving me such endearing and lifelong pet names!!

Full length robe

Full length robe
Black with red stripes

Multi colored afghans

Multi colored afghans
throws for the sofa or bed

Full length robe/ Front view

Full length robe/ Front view
White with blue/purple stripes

Full length robe/ Front view

Full length robe/ Front view
Teal with multi colored stripes

Front and back/ full length robe

Front and back/ full length robe
Black with yellow stripes