Friday, October 21, 2016

Make your calling and election sure!

 Hi bloggers,

According to 2 Peter 1:10 God says, "Therefore, brothers, be all the more eager to make your calling and election sure.  For if you practice these things you will never stumble."  What I believe God is saying here is after you accept salvation make sure that you are earnest in your faith walk and be careful to not go back to your old way of thinking/living.

I bring this up because the time is here to choose life.  In this election year, it is time for everyone to get serious about who you are going to choose to lead our country. I pray that everyone of you has been praying to GOD about who is to be our next president.  

Now if you are thinking you will not vote because you do not like either candidate, please think again. If you choose not to vote, it will be just like voting anyway. You see silence is consent. Not voting means that you forfeit your right to complain about anything.

So my fellow Christians, please pray and vote for the person who you feel that you can trust over all others. Please read, pray and see a) who has lied to the public, b) who is not in with the people and c) who is against GOD's people. Those who are against His people will be cursed and those who are with GOD's people will be blessed. If you have a Bible read it and see what will happen to you when you disregard the Lord Jesus Christ. Think what will you do when you stand before GOD ??? Everyone will stand before HIM one day and that may be very soon, sooner then anyone knows in fact.

Think about this, Where will you like to spend eternity, in Heaven or hell ?? When you watch the news on TV and read the news papers you can plainly see how time is winding up, the Lord is soon to come and everyone will stand before GOD. If you do not believe me, get a Bible. If you do not have one, get hold of one and read Revelation (the last chapter in the book) see what is going to happen.

If you do not know JESUS get to know him, you need to attend a full gospel church so that you can get to know HIM, the Bible says to assemble yourselves together to learn and get to know HIm.

Make sure that you assemble with other believers in Christ Jesus and worship in a full gospel assembly teaching the gospel, the five fold ministry. Only Jesus can save!

I love you and am praying for you.  

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Daily Devotional by Kenneth Copeland

God's Country
The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.
– Luke 18:27
Right now you and I are standing face to face with situations in our nation that need to be changed. Some of those situations look totally impossible. But they’re not. Because this country belongs to God.
He’s the One who brought the United States of America into existence. He had a special purpose for it. He needed a country where the gospel could be preached freely and not suppressed.
It was God Himself who stirred the heart and mind of Christopher Columbus and planted within him the dream of charting a new course to the West. Columbus said so in his own journals: “It was the Lord who put into my mind (I could feel His hand upon me) the fact that it would be possible to sail from here to the Indies. All who heard of my project rejected it with laughter, ridiculing me. There’s no question that the inspiration was from the Holy Spirit because He comforted me with rays of marvelous inspiration from the Holy Scriptures….”
Who brought Christopher Columbus to America? God brought him. This is God’s nation. He raised it up, and it’s not going to be taken away from Him.
The next time you’re tempted to look at situations in this country as impossible, remember who it belongs to. Then you can discover America just like Christopher Columbus did—by faith.
Scripture Reading: Psalm 106

Pray for the U.S.A.

Well as a Christ follower I think it is pass time for me to ask. Are there any born again believers out there who are praying for our nation? 

Election time is here approaching and only GOD knows what the out come will be. Please pray about this very serious situation. As Kenneth Copeland says: The responsibility for our Nation does not only belong only on the shoulders of the politicians, but on the hearts of Born-Again Believers in prayer who've been given a higher form of power. PRAYER!

I say to you all Pray like you have never prayed before, it seems there are those who are trying to stop our prayers but all will be well.  We must stand up and not let those who are trying to slowly thanking away our Rights. What is happening to our Constitution of the United States of America??? I ask you WAKE UP !!!! People of America and see what is slowly happening to us.

Our rights are slowly and cunningly being taken away, and their are laws being forced on us to go against GOD and His Word. Again I say Wake up American before it is to late! There are people already here and they are in high positions slowly taking our rights away and putting things in position to take over completely. Take out your Bibles and read it and you will see exactly what is happening and read the last book in the Bible which is Revelation and see what is going to happen. Believe it or not time is winding up , JESUS is coming very soon and all (everyone) will stand before HIM by your selves and give an account. Whether you believe it or not this is going to happen. If you do not know Jesus as your Personal Savior and Lord simply pray the following prayer in faith, and Jesus will be your Lord!

Let me pray, "Heavenly Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus. Your Word says, "Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved " and"If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, ands halt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved". Lord, I take you at Your Word."

Blessing to you!

I needed time

 Hi everyone,

I have been away for a while but I am back. I needed time to spend with my family and to hone my craft.

While traveling I usually meet interesting people. One outstanding encounter was a young man from the military and his companion who is a handsome and well trained K-9 dog. They sat next to me on my flight from the California, the dog had a vest with a sign stating Do Not Pet, because he is a animal who is trained to protect.

People continued to try to pet the dog so the young man had to tell them that the dog can not be touched because no one was reading the sign. I don't know why people do not read, the dog was clearly labeled: DO NOT PET! 

This lets us know that we as people must always be alert because others do not pay attention to details. In spite of witnessing that type of human behavior, it was a good trip.

I am making reusable market bags and it is a nice project. I showed the first bag I ever made to my friends who purchased some as Christmas gifts. I thank GOD for giving me the talent to create items good enough to have a side business from what I enjoy doing. Well anyway I enjoy crocheting and I will be trying more things with God's help!!

More soon.

Full length robe

Full length robe
Black with red stripes

Multi colored afghans

Multi colored afghans
throws for the sofa or bed

Full length robe/ Front view

Full length robe/ Front view
White with blue/purple stripes

Full length robe/ Front view

Full length robe/ Front view
Teal with multi colored stripes

Front and back/ full length robe

Front and back/ full length robe
Black with yellow stripes