Hello Bloggers,
I trust all is well with you. Well Expo West will be here in a few weeks. I hope you are ready for a great experience. I understand it is going to be better than it was last year, well if that is so, it will be great. There were some great products and nice vendors to inform you about their products. I am looking forward to learning about the different products because there will be many to learn about and try.
Last year, the atmosphere was great and the people were nice, there were also a few vendors that were not so nice. I noticed that those who had a physical challenges [like my daughter has and like I have occasionally with my foot] were pushed aside and walked over. Those people have a right to be there just like everyone else, getting information and learning.
My daughter has a wonderful blog too by the way, it is called Stroke Survival Magazine.
People who have something against people with disabilities must really learn to be more compassionate because they may one day be in a situation where they need help and need people to understand that. My daughter certainly did not think she was going to have a stroke 1 week after her 38th birthday!
So if you see someone who is in a situation either help them out or just keep walking, we understand and we do not bother anyone, just think what goes around comes around. Well I will close now with this:
Life's challenges are designed not to break us but to bend us toward God.
See you in March at Expo West.
Many Blessings,