Monday, January 26, 2015


Hello Bloggers, 

I trust all is well with you. Well Expo West will be here in a few weeks. I hope you are ready for a great experience.  I understand it is going to be better than it was last year, well if that is so, it will be great.  There were some great products and nice vendors to inform you about their products. I am looking forward to learning about the different products because there will be many to learn about and try. 

Last year, the atmosphere was great and the people were nice, there were also a few vendors that were not so nice. I noticed that those who had a physical challenges [like my daughter has and like I have occasionally with my foot] were pushed aside and walked over.  Those people have a right to be there just like everyone else, getting information and learning.

My daughter has a wonderful blog too by the way, it is called Stroke Survival Magazine.

People who have something against people with disabilities must really learn to be more compassionate because they may one day be in a situation where they need help and need people to understand that.  My daughter certainly did not think she was going to have a stroke 1 week after her 38th birthday!  

So if you see someone who is in a situation either help them out or just keep walking, we understand and we do not bother anyone, just think what goes around comes around.  Well I will close now with this: 

                        Life's challenges are designed not to break us but to bend us toward God.

See you in March at Expo West.

Many Blessings, 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Natural Products Expo West 2015

Greetings to all of you,

I would like to ask you if you will be attending the great Health Expo West this year in Anaheim California? I hope you will be there. If you have not been there you must try to attend. There is so much to see, and so much to learn from all of the vendors and the many products to learn about (from diet and vitamin supplements to services like massage and farm products delivered to your front door to beauty products, bath and beauty, cleaning products and hundreds of food samples for infants and adults.)  It is quite overwhelming but worth walking through the exhibit halls and listening to seminars by the expert speakers.

Also you meet some very nice people who can help you to learn about and experience the many products and services offered. I hope to see you in March. 

As you may or may not know I blog about keeping your mind and body in good health, and I want you to be spiritually fortifying as well so I leave you with this:  

Oh may I love Thy precious Word,
May I explore the mine,
May I its fragrant flowers glean,
May light upon me shine! 

Knowing the Bible helps us know the God of the Bible. The journey is as important as the destination.


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Blessings to you!

Hi bloggers,

I greet you and I want to let you know that I am feeling much better and all is well after my operation.  God is so good, I thank him for being with me all the way through my healing and I really just praise God for my life!

I am so looking forward to attending the Natural Products Expo West with my daughter this March. The reason is because I report back to my church and to my local health food store ALL of the wonderful products and services that I discover and am introduced to each time that I attend the expo.  My church community has a number of people who can greatly benefit from my positive reports on what may be able to aid with their respective & individual health situations.  I also write for my church newsletter and always like to report on ways to encourage everyone to become and to remain healthy!

There is so much information I need to learn about each year and some samples to bring back for everyone to try.  As I am also involved with missions and other services at my church like our Goodwill themed store and community outreach @ Christ Central in Aiken.  I am a loyal volunteer and I study with Restoration of Israel Ministries at their South Carolina Headquarters.  We are deeply involved with counseling and Africa missions as well.  One of my favorite things to do is to crochet blankets, hats and booties for newborns in the maternity ward at our local hospital.  Needless to say I certainly look forward to telling you all about my 2015 experience at the NPEW in Anaheim California this year!

I hope to see some for you there as well.  Be blessed!!  Until next time,

Yvonne a.k.a. Bun Bun
We'll I am looking forward to being at Expo-West in 2015, with my daughter who lives in California. 

Last year there was so much,to see and learn about the many products. I will be looking for supplements that will be good for seniors. 

The church I belong to has many seniors who could benefit from my findings.  I am sure they would be interested in sampling several items in order to know f they will become consumers.  Or even to try items for their good health.   

So next year, I will be looking for information and samples, because we are here and deserve to have a voice about all of the wonderful products and services

Blessings Yvonne of BunBun's Corner.

Full length robe

Full length robe
Black with red stripes

Multi colored afghans

Multi colored afghans
throws for the sofa or bed

Full length robe/ Front view

Full length robe/ Front view
White with blue/purple stripes

Full length robe/ Front view

Full length robe/ Front view
Teal with multi colored stripes

Front and back/ full length robe

Front and back/ full length robe
Black with yellow stripes